ProPharmace Mock Exam & Review Programme

Mock Exam

We have relaunched the popular ProPharmace Mock Exam as a virtual learning experience, with additional content to ensure you are all set and ready for your GPhC Registration Assessment!

The Mock Exam & Review Programme includes:

Here are just some of the key benefits of attending the ProPharmace mock exam and review:


Why book on to the ProPharmace Mock Exam & Review Programme ?

We are confident that the ProPharmace mock exam and review is one of the best ways to prepare for the registration assessment, but don’t just take our word for it, the ProPharmace mock is attended by hundreds of trainees every year and is highly recommended.
In line with the transition to an online assessment we have made sure that our online mock exam platform closely mimics that of Surpass System to give you the opportunity to get familiar with the new GPhC exam format and practice under timed conditions.

What are you waiting for? Book on to the ultimate online mock exam experience

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