To be able to access your Day 7 online training, you will need to follow these instructions:
Login to your VLE using your VLE details, make sure you use the same email you have always used to sign up to your VLE.
Navigate to the ProPharmace Pre-Registration Programme
Scroll down to day 7 and click on access day 7
At 9:00 am, the clock will have reached 0, the registration will open for 30 minutes. Make sure. you sign up before 9:30, after that registration will close. Click on the button and fill in your details and your signature
Now you have accessed your online live training. You can click on the view files button to be able to download any files that the trainer is going through. You can instant message with your trainer and other students by using the chat system underneath the video.
If you have any problems, please contact or whatsapp on 07497415671