Practice Supervisor Programme

Submit Your Reflective Account

Guidance On Completing Your Reflective Account

How to structure your reflective account:

Here are a few questions to think about when writing and structuring an effective reflective account.

  • Describe your learning experience?

Analyse the experience by thinking in depth from different perspectives. Use subject theory, reflective models and personal insight.

  • Think about what happened? What did and didn’t work?

Describe how your trainee(s) have benefited as a result and follow on impact on the pharmacy team/service users.

  • What did you learn from your experience?

Critically evaluate what, if anything will you do differently in the future?

What further learning needs did you identify?

How do you plan to meet your learning needs?

Feedback on your reflective account:

  • A ProPharmace Assessor will review your reflective account submission and assess whether there has been sufficient engagement with the activity.
  • Each reflective account will also be moderated by a second assessor.
  • A response to the reflective account by the Propharmace Team of Assessors will be completed within 3 weeks (15 working days) of the submission date.
  • If deemed incomplete, or if the work needs improvement, the moderator will provide you with specific feedback
  • The most common reason for a piece of writing to be judged as unsatisfactory is if it contains a simple descriptive report or summary of the various learning opportunities and facilities, with inadequate personal reflection.

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