Introduction to Dilutions

1 hour

Below, you'll find three samples questions, Let's get practicing!

Sample question 1

Volume Calculation with Video Feedback

Hello there

What is your name?


Sample question 2

Volume Calculation with Video Feedback - Version 2

How many millilitres of a 15%w/v solution of an antiseptic must be used to make 6 litres of a 0.45% w/v solution?

Sample question 3

Volume Calculation with Video Feedback Beta

You receive a request to manufacture a stock solution of Potassium chloride, so that when it is diluted 1 in 1000, it makes a final solution of 0.05%.

How many grams of Potassium chloride is required to make 600ml of the stock solution?

Now you are ready for The Assessment !

This assessment comprises 10 dilution type questions. You have 30 minutes to complete the test. Upon finishing, you will gain access to a video demonstrating the step-by-step solution for each question.

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